From the creators of Tadeo Jones arrives Catch the flag in the summer of 2015

Telecinco Cinema, Telefónica Studios and the IEA Rockets have reached an agreement with Paramount pictures to distribute films worldwide Catch the flag and the second part of Tadeo Jones. Catch the flag It can be seen in the summer of 2015 and presents an adventure inspired by the space race, now that 45 years after the arrival on the Moon, to rescue the flag that was planted on our satellite on July 21, 1969. The director of the two films will be Enrique Gato who has announced the news on his Twitter @enrique_gato.

Tadeo Jones, he charismatic mason with the soul of an adventurer, will return to the big screen with new stories in 2016. For now we can only wait and celebrate this alliance because it is an important historical milestone for Spanish cinema as it is the first time that a Hollywood Studio agrees to distribute two Spanish films worldwide . Catch the flag It is a fantasy about the return of man to the moon and is directed by Enrique Gato.

Enrique has said that “as soon as I read the script I knew we had something really important at hand. It is breathed that it has been developed from the most absolute passion for what it meant, and means, the space race of the 60s ”. Jordi Gasull, is the creator and co-screenwriter of Catch the flag and indicates that the film “intends that the generations of today and yesterday will relive the space dream of the first man who stepped on the Moon and travel with us to it and more there in search of adventure, emotion and fun. ”

The film tells the story of how Richard Carson, an ambitious billionaire, wants appropriate the terrestrial satellite and exploit the source of clean and real energy of the future, Helium 3. To do this, you must erase from history the deed of the Apollo XI astronauts and their famous first steps on the Moon, something that 40% of the world's population He thinks it's a lie. And the only one able to prevent him from getting his way is a nice and determined twelve-year-old surfer, Mike Goldwing. With the help of his friends, the geek Marty, the future journalist Amy and a small lizard with aspirations to be Godzilla, they travel to the moon accompanied by the Mike's grandfather, an ancient astronaut who has been estranged from his family for years. Now it is in Mike's hands not only to save Earth's future, but that of his own family.

Y Tadeo Jones, which returns in 2016, after four years in which it became the highest grossing national animated film in the history of Spanish cinema with a worldwide collection of more than 45 million euros, and in which we can see new adventures of this friendly bricklayer.

The movie will be co-directed by Enrique Gato Y David Alonso, has a script by Jordi Gasull, Javier Barreira and Neil Landau. Enrique is "proud of the achievements of Thaddeus, a big-nosed character with huge feet that one day, more than 12 years ago, I decided to capture in a sketch and who I now consider to be another member of the family." Screenwriter Jordi Gasull explains that "the adventurous mason returns with new and exciting adventures, more fun and without losing his tenderness."

We hope to tell you more news and news about these Spanish animation productions with quality and very well targeted for children.

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