Hake stuffed with prawns in sauce. Christmas recipe for pregnant women

Today we are going to prepare a recipe for those of guaranteed triumph, of those that I like, of leaving everyone speechless with the result. It is a hake stuffed with prawns in sauce which is ideal to prepare on Christmas dates since it does not give just work and has a great presence.

To do it we will buy a piece of hake clean of thorns asking the fishmonger to take out two loins and then cut pieces of ration equivalent to a slice to be able to give this presentation that simulates a sandwich in which the bread is the fish and the filling is the prawns. You can also do it with whiting, sea bass and other fish.

Ingredients for 4 people

  • A piece of hake clean of thorns of 600 gr, 24 prawns, half an onion, 4 tablespoons of fried tomato, 1 glass of fish broth, extra virgin olive oil and salt

How to make hake stuffed with prawns in sauce

Chop a very thin onion and simmer it in the pan. When it is transparent, we add the shrimp heads coral, tightly pressing each of them as you see in the collage below. Next, we incorporate the four tablespoons of fried tomato and the glass of broth, letting it reduce for 10 minutes.

When it has reduced, we peel the shrimp bodies and add them to the sofrito to be cooked in that sauce for a minute or two on each side. We extinguish the fire and reserve them until the moment of filling the hake.

In other very hot pan with a little olive oil, we cook the hake loins on the side of the skin making them two by two. When the skin is very golden and almost crispy, we turn the loins so that they finish doing the other side, for a minute nothing more.

In the dish that we are going to serve, we put a tenderloin with the skin down, what we cover with six prawns and add a little of the sauce, covering with the other hake loin to give it a sandwich-like shape, as seen in the photos.

Processing time | 30 minutes Difficulty | Easy


This hake recipe stuffed with prawns in sauce It is great for main course to eat at noon, and you can accompany it with a salad of green leaves and a piece of fruit to complete the menu. You will see how you love it.

Video: Gordon Ramsay Demonstrates How To Make Fish & Chips: Extended Version. Season 1 Ep. 6. THE F WORD (July 2024).