Paint it as you paint it, the first trimester of pregnancy is no fun

Congratulations, you are pregnant. Ahead you have nine months of gestation and a lot of things to do, many sensations that you will never have felt (if it is the first), nerves and much illusion.

But in these first months you will only suffer many of the pregnancy buts and few pros, so Paint it the way you paint it the first trimester is not fun. And I will tell you why.

Pregnancy symptoms

We are in the first weeks, your baby is the size of a pinhead (of those with a small head) and will grow until it becomes the size of a famobil click at the end of the third month. As you will understand with that size and with the space that has in your womb kicks will not give, how much it will echo in there, but little else. For now we will have to wait a few more months to say that "! Has moved!".

So so you don't forget that you're pregnant and don't give up for doing weird things, your body decides to become the exorcist girl every morning and every time you see anything that is minimally edible. What will do that every time you visit a new site, mentally locate the shortest path to the bathroom or failing that, the exit. Believe me, after two months you will be very good at making mind maps.

Belly. Your belly in this quarter seems more than you have been determined to improve the results of the bakery in the corner alone, than a pregnant woman to use. You are in that phase when you will see how people look at you but dare not say anything else. Look in the eyes, go down to the belly, gesture of concealed surprise (in some cases, not in all), back to your eyes and so we will be a good time, until either you confess your state or endure the "Have you gained some weight, right?"So patience that will grow.

Say it or not say it.

It is soon and many things can still happen. There are those who prefer to wait for this quarter to pass and then release the good news with Sunday's family meal between the first and second courses and thus allow your father or father-in-law to run for that bottle of wine that they had reserved for this moment. for 25 years and it is already chopped but nobody cares.

But nevertheless, this brings some inconvenience: If yours has never been to keep secrets, you have a problem and you will end up with a permanent tattoo of your denture on the tongue of the number of times that you will bite it so as not to tell it. And if you decide to wait for the whole family to be reunited, you may get it two weeks before leaving accounts.

If you don't want your boss to find out, but your symptoms and trips to the bathroom are constant you will need help from within. - Ana, can you tell me what happens to Maria who has been out of her position all morning? - Boss, we have to talk. The cook either changes it or it will end all of us. It is not possible to continue like this, that yesterday's cannelloni continue to kick me in the stomach and María has been vomiting the vegetable cream last Monday.

Test passed with the boss, but you have earned the eternal hatred of Pier, who throws himself all day between 20 cm knives. How are you cooking?


Here it will depend on how you are, but you will not be the first to see germs everywhere and that the first thing you do when you enter a restaurant is to verify that you have the current health licenses, and that any person or thing that comes close to your plate less than half a meter is perfectly disinfected. You don't ask for a salad because you don't trust that it has been washed three times, at least.

You buy one or two pregnancy magazines, then you buy three more and in the end you end up subscribing to anything that carries the picture of a baby on the cover (and if you don't, they will do it for you)


You have been hearing all your life that you should not consult anything on the internet, that everyone writes there and you never know how informed is who writes, but you you have reached the world of moms blogs and it is as if you had opened the doors of the Lost Library. You start saving a couple of them in favorites, then another and a week later, after 40 hours of zero work performance, you have 115 blogs in favorites, of which 20 are written in English and five are Chinese and written in Cantonese. In your head, concepts such as attachment, bottle feeding, breastfeeding, school, methods, vaccines, etc. flutter without order or control. What makes you think "But this was not easier?"

Don't worry, the next quarter will be better.

Video: Painting while pregnant "Preggers" - is it safe to paint while I"m pregnant? (July 2024).