What is science and what is technology

Last December 18, 2012 The 4th edition of top @ DIPC Zientziarekin Solasean took place! promoted by the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) within the framework of Euskampus, Campus of International Excellence of the UPV / EHU, with the collaboration of Naturgas Energía and the Department of Education, Universities and Research of the Basque Government.

Apparently and after receiving the participating students and their teachers, there was a presentation of the invited researchers and a subsequent dissertation by Aaron Ciechanover (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2004), Sir Tim Hunt (Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2001) and Ginés Morata (Prince of Asturias Award for Scientific and Technical Research 2007) who was moderated by Pedro Miguel Echenique. In the session they talked about the passion for science, the personal trajectory of the researchers and the experiences in their scientific work.

Surely at a time of the session Pedro Miguel Echenique pronounced the phrase that Jordi Campàs indicated on his twitter and illustrates the content of the article: "Science is what a father teaches his daughter and technology is what a daughter teaches a his father"

And it is that you start at home leaving them the remote control and end up teaching us how to program a traffic simulator.

Video: Difference between Science and Technology (July 2024).