Computer science will be part of the scientific education of the English Baccalaureate (eBacc)

The computing will be part of the program of English Baccalaureate (EBacc) since January 2014. The measure shows the importance that you want to give to computer programming and the need to enhance the creativity of students because they can use languages ​​to control machines and stop being passive users. It is a measure driven by technology companies that are aware of the potential of introducing this knowledge among young people to become successful entrepreneurs in the future.

Additionally to this measure the Raspberry Pi Foundation will deliver, thanks to a donation of Google, 15,000 of these devices for schools.

With this decision, programming will be a subject in the baccalaureate of science that is added to physics, chemistry, biology. In addition to science, the other subjects that are part of learning are history or geography and an additional language to English.

I believe that the measure is very positive for the education of the students and is a basis on which to build scientific careers, entrepreneurship and is also a good measure for companies They can hire students with training appropriate to their needs. And on the other hand it is a very interesting decision because the use of office automation or computers is being surpassed by a generation, that of digital natives or whatever they are called, who are able to claim more knowledge since childhood. And it is that handling with a word processor or a spreadsheet has ceased to be a requirement and it is increasingly important to understand processes, causes and effects, transmedia and problem solving using programming.

Video: EBacc documentary DariusRath (July 2024).