One hundred ideas to do with children this summer

The school is over and the obligations for the children are over. This means that as of today, unless we point them to a summer house or similar, we have them with us at home for almost 3 months.

For children it is usually a very special time, not only because they can go to the pool, to the beach, on vacation, etc., but especially because it is family time, because thanks to the summer they can spend many more hours with us than the The rest of the year.

Now, some parents are overwhelmed a little at the prospect of being three months ahead without knowing too much what to do with them. That's why today I bring you one hundred ideas to do with children in summer I've seen in the wonderful Sarai Llamas blog.

Most of them are more than plausible, many can be done several times during the summer and some can be done on the same day. Others, like riding a horse or playing ping pong, can be more complicated by infrastructure (you will have to go horse riding) or by capacity (ping pong with my children would have to be called dry ping).

They do not help to fill all the time of every day, that that will have to be done with a little of the creativity of each one, but without a doubt they will help to have a good time with our children. One of those daily times that modern psychologists call "quality", times of those that our children will remember for a long time and that can help make this summer, an unforgettable summer, the one in which "I enjoyed butt with dad and mom".

Video: 100+ Things To Do When You're Bored In The Summer. Fun EPIC Summer Bucket List Activity Ideas 2017! (July 2024).