Did you count all your fingers at birth?

My mother always explains to us that the first thing she did when giving birth (we are six brothers) was a general review to see that everything was fine and, above all, He dedicated himself to counting all our fingers, without staying calm until he was 20.

When I did the first ultrasounds of our first child, I began to have that concern, because I remembered my mother's words, and always tried to look at my hands and feet, hoping that the 20 fingers were present.

Obviously I watched the other organs, much more important, attentive, but the fingers were always present in my thoughts (without taking my sleep, of course). Thus came the day of the ultrasound of the fifth month and the time came when the gynecologist literally left me frozen by saying: "Go, it has 21 fingers."

Obviously I didn't have 21 fingers, but it took me a while to get out of the drowsiness and understand that it was a joke (20 fingers + 1 penis = 21 fingers). Besides, the uncle had already told us two months later that he looked like he had little braids (girl), and the surprise was greater because I was already convinced that he would have a girl.

Ultrasounds followed and I kept looking at his fingers, until the day he was born, I reviewed it from top to bottom, despite being dressed (after the caesarean section they dressed him and that's how they delivered it to me), and there I observed his eyes, his nose (with his two open holes and working), his mouth and his tongue that moved inside, his arms, his legs and finally his fingers, those 20 fingers of indeterminate color between white, maroon and purple with those tiny nails of similar color.

And at that moment I gave thanks to ... well, I gave thanks, no more, because my son seemed to be perfectly healthy.

With my second son I did something similar, although the review I had to do it after a while, in the incubator and the "thanks" came later, because before I had to tell him to be calm, that in a few days he would be with us 100% and that we would do our best to make him a healthy, strong and, above all, happy child (he was so small, so fragile, so ...).

And you, did you do it? Did you count all your fingers at birth?

Video: How Many Fingers? Kids Songs. Super Simple Songs (July 2024).