WHO ends the influenza A pandemic

Already at the beginning of the year we were wondering where the much feared influenza A was, and now the World Health Organization declares the end of the pandemic phase of influenza A virus without its consequences reaching far from forecasts.

The H1N1 flu virus has stabilized and entered a post-pandemic phase. The decision to reduce the extent of the disease has been a result of recommendations made by global influenza experts, who have reviewed the status of the virus.

Now, influenza A will continue to circulate as a common flu and stored vaccines, which are counted by millions and governments do not know what to do with them, are still effective, vaccination of high-risk groups is still recommended.

Influenza A has disappeared from all the Spanish territory and in the southern hemisphere, where it is now winter, there are hardly any cases.

Now the new vaccine, unlike last year's one that was monovalent, includes immunization for three different viruses, two of type A (one of them the H1N1) and a third of type B. I don't think too many people are encouraged to get this vaccine, after the disappearance of the "crisis" that gave so much talk.

In the blog we talk about the characteristics of the vaccine created only for pregnant women, which surely very few finally got. We answered the frequently asked questions about pregnancy and influenza A, and all because the authorities, gynecologists and WHO recommended that pregnant women be vaccinated, such as pediatricians to babies.

We also saw 8 reasons not to get vaccinated, we recommend to continue breastfeeding in case of influenza A and we talk about cases of pregnant women who overcome the flu without complications.

Now, influenza A is no longer topical, not even newscasts echo it, but WHO ends the influenza A pandemic and nothing seems to have happened here ... Hopefully in the future there will be no unjustified alarm as it seems to have been.

Video: 1918 Flu Pandemic (July 2024).