I want to get pregnant: advice decalogue

Having a child is the biggest project of our life, and although it is a process that most often comes naturally, there are some tips to follow before achieving pregnancy that will favor conception and a healthy pregnancy.

Although very few women prepare for pregnancy, there are certain steps related to health, our mind and our environment that we can follow both to achieve pregnancy and to make it healthier and safer.

  • Abandon harmful health habits, especially toxic ones, such as tobacco, alcohol and other drugs. In this way, we not only favor the conception, but we avoid damage to the future baby. Of course, this fucking applies equally to the future dad.
  • We can check our weight to try to achieve the ideal weight of each. Overweight women can consult the specialist to lose weight without risking health. In this way during pregnancy there will be no risk situations caused by obesity, although remember that the “ideal” weight gain in pregnancy is not the same for all women.
  • The best way to maintain or achieve an ideal weight is physical exercise practice. If we are not fit, it is best that we begin to achieve it already, preferably by performing some exercise that we can continue to practice during pregnancy.
  • Also following medical recommendations we can review and improve our diet, that it has the necessary calories and the right amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
  • Go to the gynecologist for a pre-conception visit, which can be as important as prenatal visits. The specialist will monitor our medical history, inquire about possible risks, send a blood test to detect anemia or other disorders (especially infections that could affect the future baby, such as hepatitis, syphilis, AIDS ...), recommend vitamin supplements ...
  • In relation to the previous point, it is recommended to take a folic acid supplement before pregnancy, an essential vitamin to prevent birth defects in the baby.

  • If necessary, get rubella or chickenpox vaccines, diseases that can harm the baby. The doctor should be consulted on whether or not to administer other vaccines for the future mother, as some may not be recommended or necessary.
  • Through a preventive visit to the dentist We will avoid doing it during pregnancy. A mouth cleaning and the detection of possible problems can prevent further complications, as we know that the gums are affected during pregnancy on many occasions, and it is necessary to keep them in good condition. This pre-conception review does not imply that we stop going to the dentist later, because precisely during pregnancy we must pay more attention to dental health to detect and control problems such as gingivitis.
  • Before pregnancy we should have thought (if not yet resolved) certain "infrastructure" and organizational issues, as if the house or furniture will need some reform with the arrival of the baby. It will always be better to start remodeling before pregnancy, when the stress or fatigue that such situations usually entail is much more harmful.
  • Learn and read about healthy habits, fertility, pregnancy and parenting. It is good to learn about the great step that we are about to take and approach motherhood in a safe way (up to a point, because insecurities always appear in one way or another) and critical. This section should be shared with the couple, because after all in most cases the pregnancy and especially the children are not exclusive to mom.

This Decalogue of tips before getting pregnant It will help the conception to occur and have a healthier pregnancy, as well as for us to be more prepared for pregnancy and motherhood.

Video: Decalogo de una granjera: Marta Alvarez at TEDxGalicia (July 2024).