Avoid postpartum depression

Postpartum depression affects many mothers, and as published about three months ago, first-time mothers of babies suffering from infant colic are more likely.

Generally, all moms suffer an emotional downturn because the body ceases to secrete the large amount of hormones it produced during pregnancy, although this is temporary, at that time you are much more sensitive and may be a little overwhelmed with the burden of responsibility. and of the change that your life has just suffered, nothing will be as before, it can even be difficult to find a few minutes to take a bath.

Knowing the possibility that this emotional downturn becomes a postpartum depressionnothing better than trying avoid it and for this, you must prepare from pregnancy.

You have nine months to think and prepare yourself mentally about the changes that will occur in your life, even the simplest habit can be altered. You can also begin to assess who can help you during those first days at home, if the dad is at home great, but it is not usually the most common. Maybe you will need someone at some point in the day to help you out and nothing better than someone around you.

Once at home with your baby, do not want to be a super mother and superstar, ask for help when you need it, but they will not think that you will not be able to bring a family.

The first days the visits can become tiring and it is not something you have to endure, your friends and family will understand that you prefer short visits, since you are in a few days with many novelties and that you have to adapt gradually to your new situation.

Do not always take the time to clean the house when the baby is sleeping, you also need to rest and regain strength. It will also be very good for both of you to go out for a little while, and you can also start a conversation with other moms, surely you will find them in some park.

When your partner is at home take time for yourself, it will help you feel better. And don't stop finding time to share with your partner, maybe it's what comforts you most.

Video: Early identification essential to treat postpartum depression. Vital Signs (July 2024).