Bathing the baby for the first time in the pool

There is no doubt that it will be a new and rewarding experience for the baby, your first bath in a pool, yes, everything will depend on the behavior presented by the parents. As a general rule, a baby waits for his daily bath in the bathtub, this experience gratifies and calms him, but the water in the bathtub is not the same as the immensity of a pool.

So much water can scare the little one, the first thing that should be done is not to force him and much less introduce it into the water at once, as it could be scared and see a pool as something harmful and nothing positive. According to experts, a good tactic is to encourage the little one to enter the pool and invite him from inside the water. The safety of the arms of the parents will do the rest, feeling safe you will enjoy in the water, from here, little by little you will expand your confidence and begin to understand the new place as a rewarding playground. Little by little he will acquire security and when parents see that he feels safe, it will be time to provide some sleeves to allow him to play as he pleases, but always held by the hands of one of the parents.

It should be borne in mind that for a good acceptance of the pool by the baby, contact with the liquid medium must be gradual, slowly using the new game environment.

It is gratifying to verify the satisfaction that a swimming pool bath produces in the baby.

Video: BABY NECK FLOAT: our 10 week old baby swimming in the bath for the first time!!! (July 2024).