How to prevent the risk of preterm birth

One in ten births in the world takes place before the 37th week of gestation. According to the latest data, in Spain 28,000 babies are born prematurely, being one of the European countries with the highest preterm birth rate.

There are certain risk factors that may trigger childbirth early, and although it is not always in our hands to avoid it, there are certain measures that we can take to prevent the risk of premature delivery.

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Go to all your visits with the midwife or gynecologist

The controls with the gynecologist and midwife during pregnancy They are essential to take care of your health and the correct development of your baby, as well as to diagnose any possible medical situation that may precipitate the delivery, such as:

  • Preeclampsia
  • Anatomical malformations of the uterus.
  • Diseases of the mother such as diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease or infections.
  • Complications of the placenta such as placenta previa, detachment or infection.
  • Cervical insufficiency

In addition to controlling the proper development of pregnancy, the doctor will inform you at each visit of the steps to follow, the blood tests and ultrasounds that you will have to perform, as well as other complementary tests (streptococcus, measurement of the nuchal fold, glucose curve ... )

If you are planning your pregnancy, it would be good if you were looking for a gynecologist you trust and you go to a first preconception visit.

Do you smoke? The time has come to leave

Smoking during pregnancy involves several health risks, both for the mother and the baby, as well as increasing the chances of premature delivery and sudden infant death.

So if you or your partner are smokers, the best thing is quit tobacco before considering having a child, but if this were not possible, pregnancy should be the time to give up this habit.

Not a drop of alcohol (or other drugs)

Alcohol, however little, crosses the placental barrier in minutes and is fixed to the amniotic fluid and fetal tissues, and can cause very serious effects on the baby.

But in addition to affect the normal development of pregnancy and being able to cause premature delivery, alcohol consumption is related to mental retardation in the baby, malformations, growth retardation, low birth weight or even learning problems. Consumed in significant doses is also associated with fetal alcohol syndrome.

Be very careful with the medications you take

Any medication, both those sold by prescription and those that are not (for example, ibuprofen), as well as herbal or phytotherapy preparations could harm the baby or / and affect the correct development of pregnancy.

Therefore, we should not self-medicate during pregnancy, but neither stop taking on our own a treatment for a chronic ailment, without having previously consulted with the doctor. Ask for professional advice at all times.

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Healthy living habits

Correct diet (with the supplements indicated by the doctor), moderate physical exercise and dental hygiene also play an important role in preventing premature birth.

A healthy and balanced diet, which includes the healthiest foods for this stage, is essential, both to maintain the health of the pregnant woman and that of her future baby, and to prevent possible complications.

It is also important take care of dental hygiene during pregnancy, not only to prevent tooth decay, gingivitis or other oral problems, but also because certain infections increase the risk of the pregnant woman having a premature birth or a low birth weight baby.

And as for the physical exercise, if you already practiced it before you got pregnant there is no reason not to continue practicing it during pregnancy, unless the doctor indicates otherwise. And if you didn't practice it before, pregnancy is a good time to start doing it, always gently and following the recommendations of the experts.

Avoid stress

Between the risk factors for preterm birth Stress and anxiety is found, so we must do everything in our power to avoid it. In this sense, the practice of yoga or pilates, deep and conscious breathing, childbirth preparation classes, and proper rest can be great allies.

Ask the people around you for help if you feel tired or overwhelmed, and if you have any recurring concern about the status of your pregnancy, do not hesitate to consult your doctor or midwife.

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Learn to identify the signs of preterm birth

All pregnant women (especially those with higher risks) should know the warning signs of preterm birth to know how to act, since sometimes, an early medical intervention could stop labor and ensure that the baby can continue to develop for longer in the mother's womb.

Among these signals are:

  • Regular contractions every 15 minutes or less, lasting 20 seconds to two minutes each, between the 21st and 37th week of gestation.

  • Heavy vaginal bleeding or mild bleeding accompanied by pain or any other symptoms.

  • Change in color and consistency of vaginal discharge, or loss of fluid.

  • While the expulsion of the mucous plug is not a sign of imminent delivery, it is a sign that the cervix begins to dilate, so it is necessary to consult with the doctor immediately

Also, do not forget to go to the emergency room if you notice pain or pressure in the pelvis, cramps, abdominal cramps or burning / stinging when peeing.

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Video: Considerations and Strategies to Help Prevent Preterm Birth (July 2024).