The ambitious commitment of the educational institution SEK by Evernote for schools was communicated in The App Fest

The App Fest was held last week in Madrid. It is a festival to present, review and show the public the applications that can be installed on mobile devices and that are increasingly relevant in our day to day. The festival took place on April 19 and 20, 2012 and The App Date and Movistar have collaborated.

One of the important issues discussed in the session was education and its important relationship with applications. Reading many of the news that have been written I will highlight the application Evernote for Schools, a pilot project that has already begun in other countries and that here in Spain will launch with the SEK Educational Institution, which as we have seen in this blog on several occasions has a firm commitment to the education of the future through the organization of the GEF.

Evernote for Schools will be developed from September 2012 in the SEK school El Castillo de Madrid. The goal is for the 300 first-year high school students to share information and enrich themselves between them and the teachers. It is intended that both teachers and students use the paid Evernote application that allows many more features than the free version.

As the education model is changing, although it is not known very well where, what allows this application is to take notes in class, organize notes, work in collaboration with teachers and students, share documents and especially have them available in any device because Evernote can be installed on the phone, on the tablet and on the computer.

I hope to be able to tell more details about this partnership soon and to be able to know especially if the proposal makes education change and evolve from a current system based on memorization and repetition. And when these kids reach the labor market, their concern will not only be memorization, it will be teamwork, productivity, collaboration, data sharing and obtaining results. These values ​​are what Evernote defends through its application, although yes, you have to use it and know how to do it.

In any case I think it is a great alliance and an example of where education will evolve: use of tools, devices and much collaboration to achieve results. It is much like what young people do in their daily activity through the use of social networks.

Video: Introduction to the "ambitious commitment" page (July 2024).