On Valentine's Day, parents don't want an incredible sex night, what they want is to sleep

When children arrive, many things change in our lives, and also the relationship. If before we had endless dates and nights of passion, now the nights are very different. You sleep little, but not because you had a passionate night, but because the baby has not let you hit your eye more than two hours in a row.

Today is celebrated Valentine's Day, and according to an online survey of almost a thousand parents about what they sincerely want on Valentine’s Day, the parents responded that they prefer to sleep through the night without interruptions to have an incredible sex night. Do you feel identified?

Sleep, what parents most want

During the baby's first year, parents lose about 700 hours of sleep. If we translate it, it is almost two hours less sleep each night during the first twelve months after delivery.

In Babies and more, who sleeps less when a baby comes to the family, dad or mom?

Unless you have touched a small sleepy lironcito, at the end of the day all parents want is to sleep, whether it's Valentine's Day or any other day of the year. Lack of sleep affects not only physical health, due to fatigue, but also mental health influencing executive functions and our mood.

That is why we are not at all surprised by the responses of the parents in the survey.

  • When asked what they really (really underlined) want from your partner for Valentine's Day, they won no chocolates, flowers, or a special dinner. Most said that the best gift their partner can give is take care of children so you can take a nap.

  • They also responded about how it is the sexual life of the couple After having children. 14 percent responded that it has improved, 25 percent that remained the same and 61 percent say it has worsened.

  • As for the romanticism in the relationship, also bad results: 48 percent say it has worsened, compared to 26 percent who say they have improved and 26 percent who have remained the same.

In Babies and more, how many hours of sleep have we lost since we were parents? A calculator tells us

A night of uninterrupted sleep, better than sex

  • And here the most revealing of the survey. When asked if they prefer an incredible sex night or a night of uninterrupted sleep, there was no doubt. 65 percent chose the second option.
  • But all is not so bad. Despite how tired it is to have small children, most agree that the arrival of children strengthens love in the couple. 65 percent admit that having children has made them feel more deeply in love with their partner.

So, if you are one of those who prefer sex to sleep, have an incredible night and if you are of the latter, we wish you the least possible night awakenings. And calm, that is just a stage that will pass.