Avoid constipation in pregnancy

Constipation is a very common disorder in pregnancy. Fighting this disorder and promoting intestinal transit is not complicated, although you must follow some guidelines in your eating habits.

You need a diet rich in fiber, take about 25 or 30 grams through food, it is highly recommended. Take an average of two servings of fruit with skin or seed such as oranges, plums, figs and substitute fruit juices for whole fruit since the juice contains less fiber.

Legumes are also highly recommended, taking peas, chickpeas, beans twice a week, will help you in your fiber gathering. You should also include two servings of vegetables per day, and if one of them is raw, such as tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, much better.

Combine this diet also with whole grains such as rice, pasta, cookies, bread, breakfast cereals. To drink nothing better than water, at least a couple of liters a day and this is because the fiber has no effect unless it is combined with liquids, that is, you can also drink plenty of juices, milk, infusions, etc. . And remember that in order to take advantage of the benefits of fiber, do not overcook vegetables and use techniques such as steamed food, in this way you can avoid constipation At least in part.

Surely you will have a friend who will have told you about a trick or some remedy to avoid constipation, these are complementary aids but they do not work the same in all people since each organism is different.

Some of these tips are to drink a couple of plums with water before going to bed at night, drink orange juice or prune raisins when you get up on an empty stomach, eat applesauce or add oat bran to your diet.

In any case, if constipation persists, it is best to go to the doctor to try to solve the happy discomfort.

Video: Constipation relief during pregnancy - Treatments and cures (July 2024).