Nine tips to explain the terrorist attacks in Paris to children

After the attacks of November 13 in Paris, the media invade us with images about the event, it is spoken in the streets, in schools, everywhere. Children, especially if they are older, it is normal to ask questions and it is important that parents know how to respond to their concerns, without lying to them but without scaring them.

It is not easy to talk about terrorism with children, something that even adults have a hard time understanding. Before the questions of my daughters after the attacks (all three are over six years old), we thought it was best to explain them to us before films were made through comments from others. It is true that if children are younger, they have not heard anything and do not ask questions, it may be unnecessary to expose them to something they are unable to process.

To help parents talk with their children, the Anar Foundation has developed nine tips to explain the terrorist attacks in Paris to children. We tell you below.

1) Explain to them so that they can understand

With your words, without technicalities and as close as possible, explain the events according to the child's age.

2) Do not lie to them

If they are asking for an explanation, they should not be lied to. Do not change reality with the intention of protecting them. It is important that you tell him the truth, but without adding drama or going into details that may damage your sensitivity.

3) Control emotions, but without repressing them

Try to stay calm and serene, but don't repress your feelings. Nothing happens to show that the events cause us sadness and pain, because that will prove you are human, but it is important to try not to overflow. This will also help the child to not repress your feelings and to be safe doing it.

4) Help him identify his emotions

When we talk about a tragic event with our children, it is inevitable to speak of sadness, pain, anger, helplessness, fear ... This will help them to identify their emotions and name them and we can help them manage them.

5) Transmit the idea of ​​non-omnipotence of the human being

When catastrophic and unexpected situations occur it is when we realize that the human being is limited and vulnerable. However, we have the ability to overcome difficult moments and move forward despite sadness and pain. Explain this to your child so that he understands that human beings, despite our limitations, we are able to overcome adversity and continue our path.

6) Show yourself open to your children's questions

It is possible that at first, when you are talking with them about what has happened, they cannot come up with questions that they can ask you later, when they have thought about your conversation. Show us then open to answer your questions, trying to offer as much information as you have at your fingertips adapting it to its maturity level.

7) Talk about collective solidarity

At a time when a collective catastrophe has occurred, it is important to talk about how necessary it is for people, directly or not, to be affected, let's be united to support those who need it within our means and according to our resources. In this way you are also transmitting positive values ​​such as solidarity and empathy.

8) Talk to your children about human diversity

There are different beliefs, religions and values ​​that lead the human being to act in one way or another. All beliefs are valid except for those that generate pain in people. However, even though there are people looking to harm, We are the majority who seek collective peace.

9) Stay tuned for your reactions

Each child can have their own reactions to the same event. That is why it is important that parents are pending them in later days to talk about the news to be able to properly channel their reactions.

If you have any questions, you can contact the Anar Foundation (below you have the link). They are available 24 hours and have a team of professionals for attendants.

Via | Anar Foundation
Photo | CordonPress and iStockphoto
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Video: Paris Terrorist Attacks - The City Pays Tribute. This Morning (July 2024).