Drunkenness can cause the ability to learn and memorize permanently lost

We know that for a while this part, the "fashion" (to call it somehow) of consuming alcohol in the form of binge eating by adolescents - which sometimes are not so - is becoming widespread. We have also reflected on a series of excessively risky and completely irresponsible behaviors, regarding the abuse of alcoholic beverages in minors.

I assure you that The problem of excessive consumption in our country is not to take it as a joke, and it may be that in the near future, we will be able to observe health and social problems of difficult resolution. But here it seems that there is no celebration without a drink, and I move to maturity without pushing the children to drink.

When I did university practice years ago in an alcoholic rehabilitation service, those responsible “threw their hands in their heads” with the demand of young people who had become alcohol addicts.

So someone with 30 years and a degree of dependence, forced to rethink interventions, and alerted society.

I prefer to focus on prevention, and insist on the importance of family communication ... rather than imagine what they will be able to create the current patterns of consumption

Because here it's not about denying evidence that children (not everyone, I know) will have some kind of contact - at least experimental - with the different substances. But without adequate prior information, one is not able to make decisions; and without a solid training as a person, it is probably difficult to say "NO".

During adolescence, drug use is more harmful

From a binge, the young brain recovers ... from many not. The ability to learn and memorize can be permanently lost, and the knowledge zone can suffer irreversible delays.

This was stated by Consuelo Guerri, who is head of the Laboratory of Cellular Pathology at the Prince Felipe Research Center in Valencia. And he has done so in an annual symposium on drug addiction, organized by the Deusto Institute of Drug Dependencies.

Do we need more evidence to convince us of the need to talk with our children about the subject? Will we continue to look funny as a group of 12-year-old children who have just finished making bottles?

The latter is not to say, I imagine that who else, who least, we believe in the responsibility we have with our children, but these things happen, and it would be desirable that all fathers and mothers "go to one." In adolescence the brain is still developing, so drug use (of all, including alcohol) is especially harmful, and even more with patterns of abuse.

It seems that if consumption starts soon, the brain area that governs the stimuli is hypersensitized increasing the risk of having problems getting older. The risk increases up to 20 percent if you start drinking at 12 years old (compared to five percent if you start at 21).

Dr. Gabriel Rubio, neuropsychiatrist at the University Hospital October 12, recalled that when they have suffered abuse (including negligence), there is more risk of abusive consumption.

Video: Alcoholism and How to Quit Drinking Alcohol (July 2024).